英国皇家科学院院士、加拿大科学院院士Dwayne Miller来访瓯江实验室
时间:2024-11-03 来源:瓯江实验室 浏览量:260

10月29日下午,加拿大多伦多大学杰出教授、英国皇家科学院院士、加拿大科学院院士Dwayne Miller来访瓯江实验室。实验室主任宋伟宏院士接待来访。

Dwayne Miller教授是国际上著名物理化学家,主要从事超快物理、超快化学以及生物学、医学等领域的研究。此次来访,他先后了解瓯江实验室人才团队组建、科研成果产出、科技成果转化等工作情况。Dwayne Miller感叹于瓯江实验室与国际接轨,建设理念先进,在科技创新和成果转化方面所做出的努力令人钦佩,他相信瓯江实验室将会在生命健康等领域取得更加丰硕的成果。

宋伟宏表示,Dwayne Miller分享的其在前沿科研领域的最新研究成果和创新思路,为瓯江实验室的科研工作带来了新的启发。瓯江实验室将以此次交流为契机,不断拓展国际视野,提升科研水平,为打造区域生命健康科创高地、培育新质生产力贡献更多力量。


Prof. R. J. Dwayne Miller

Chemistry and Physics,

University of Toronto

R. J. Dwayne Miller has published over 300 papers, notably contributions leading to the development of ultrabright electron sources to light up atomic motions. His group were the first to achieve the long-held goal to watch atomic motions during the defining moments of chemistry and have attained the fundamental space-time limit to imaging chemistry. His research accomplishments have been recognized with numerous awards including the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award (USA), Sloan Fellowship, Guggenheim Fellow, Dreyfus Award, Polanyi Award, Royal Society of Canada (RSC) Rutherford Medal, Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) Medal, American Chemical Society (ACS) E. Bright Wilson Award, and most recently the European Physical Society (EPS) Award in Laser Science for “Achieving the Fundamental Limit to Min. Invasive Surgery with Complete Biodiagnostics”. These latter concepts are now going to clinical trials with the promise of enabling scar free surgery with broad medical applications. He is also a strong advocate for science promotion earning the RSC McNeil Medal (2011) and the Helen M. Free Award of the ACS for founding Science Rendezvous, now in its 18th year, aimed to make science accessible to the general public, including remote northern communities, with over 200,000 attendees (>6000 volunteers) annually. He is a Fellow of the CIC, OSA, RSC, RSC (Chemistry, UK) and was inducted as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2023.









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